Project Overview

The project involves developing a comprehensive email campaign management system with dedicated dashboards for both administrators and clients. The system's primary goal is to automate and streamline the process of organizing and executing email campaigns efficiently.

  • Automation and Efficiency : The system aims to automate the email campaign process, making it efficient and user-friendly for both administrators and clients.
  • Personalization and Customization: Clients can personalize campaigns by choosing specific email lists and templates, enhancing the effectiveness of their campaigns.
  • Robust Management : The system offers robust management capabilities for both admins and clients, providing control over credits, templates, email lists, and campaigns.
  • Insightful Reporting : The automated reporting feature offers valuable insights into campaign performance, aiding in decision-making for future campaigns.
  • By developing this email campaign management system, the project aims to revolutionize the way email campaigns are handled, ensuring a seamless and effective approach to email marketing.


  • Automation and Efficiency.
  • Personalization and Customization.
  • Security and Access Control.
  • Insightful Reporting.
  • User Authentication and Authorization.
  • Higher security.
  • Effective Client Relationship Management.

Significant Modules of the Application For Admin Dashboard:

Authentication and Profile Management:
  • Secure login functionality with profile management and password change capability
Credit Management:
  • Admins can manage campaign credits, including adding, deleting, updating, and editing credits associated with email campaigns.
Mail Template Management:
  • Admins can create, modify, delete, and update email templates that can be assigned to clients for use in campaigns..
Client Management:
  • Assign mail templates to specific clients, facilitating personalized email content..
  • Admins have the authority to block a client temporarily or permanently, restricting their access to the system
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Client Dashboard

Email List Management:
  • Add Email List Version Name.
  • Upload Email File in .txt format.
  • View, edit (with an editor), and delete email lists.
  • Automatically process uploaded email lists and display the number of emails in each list.
Template Management:
  • Create Template Version by adding a name and uploading a .txt template file.
  • Dynamic editing of templates using an editor.
Email Campaign Management:
  • Start/stop/pause/abort campaigns..
  • Select a dynamic list version and dynamic email template from dropdowns.
  • Enter campaign name and subject display name.
  • Option to schedule the campaign using a checkbox and date/time selection.
Email Sending:
  • Send emails using selected dynamic list version and email template.
  • Include attachments with emails..
  • Automatically generate reports based on the number of mails sent in each campaign.
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